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All About Molarul: Your Grinding Champions


They are these little teeth that nobody ever seems to care about, but they are part of the inside of your mouth called molarul.

Molarul Anatomy: A Closer Look

Let’s delve deeper into the anatomy of a molar:

  • Crown: Crown relates to the part only of the tooth that is visible and present above the gum line.
  • Enamel: A strong substance that sets hard covering the crown of teeth is enamel ;it shields the teeth from abrasive actions.
  • Dentin: The outer transparent layer of the tooth crown coated by enamel and underlying middle part of tooth forming the body of the tooth.
  • Pulp: The pulp chamber has three sub chambers of which the last chamber or the innermost contains nerves and blood vessels which makes the tooth to feel some sensations and also supplies nutrients.
  • Root: The portion of the tooth that embeds within the alveolar bone of the jaws to allow for the retention of teeth.
  • Cementum: A dense tissue that surrounds the root and holds the tooth firmly in place in actual bone of the jaw.

Types of Molars

There are two sets of molars:

  • Primary molars (baby molars): Four primary molars emerge with each jaw quadrant; upper and lower, and they appear between the ages of 12 to 24 months.
  • Permanent molars: There are 12 permanent anterior and posterior molars that really emerge behind the baby molars between 6 to 12 years of first molars and 17 to 21 years of second and third molars traditionally called as ‘wisdom teeth’.

Molar Functions

Molars play a critical role in the digestive process:

  • Grinding: The molar teeth have a broad and flat-like structure and has several cusps that makes them efficient in reducing of hard food substances such as; nuts, vegetables and meats into manageable sizes.
  • Shearing: The intense cutting facets of cusps allow for slicing of the food and slicing off smaller particles.
  • Stabilization: Molars have multiple roots giving them a lot of anchorage and thus are able to with stand a lot of force when chopping food.

Molar Care: Keeping Your Grinders Healthy

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for keeping your molars healthy. Here are some key practices:

  • Brushing: You need to brush your teeth at least two times a day for 2 minutes each time, It is recommended to use a soft toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing: Daily flossing enables a person to get rid of the food stringers and plaque that may naturally accumulate on the surfaces of your teeth, especially behind the molars.
  • Diet: Avoid foods which are high in sugar and acids and which harms the teeth like sweetened products and fruit juices.
  • Regular dental checkups: Maintain some dental appointments and cleaning that may cost you some amount of money.

Common Molar Problems

Several issues can affect molars:

  • Tooth decay: The tartar formation results in cavities ; flossing and brushing are the only ways of avoiding cavities.
  • Gum disease: Gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gum and periodontitis that is a severe gum infection pose a serious threat to the supporting tissues of the molars and might even cause tooth loss .
  • Cracked or chipped teeth: They also chipping on the biting surfaces of the molars through the normal use in the chewing process especially if they are used for cracking substances like the shells or nuts.
  • Wisdom teeth impaction: The third set of molars called the wisdom teeth usually fail to have enough room to grow normally and this makes them grow towards the cheek and cause severe pain and therefore they are usually extracted.

Treatment Options for Molarul Problems

Depending on the severity of the problem, your dentist may recommend various treatment options for molarul issues:

  • Fillings: Applied on decayed teeth to seal the cavities particularly those on the molars.
  • Crowns: Restorative: Bands or crowns positioned on a damaged or affirmed molar with an intention to enhance its sturdiness and functionality.
  • Root canals: Done when the nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth called pulp becomes inflamed or infected, usually in a molar.
  • Wisdom teeth extraction: Surgery to extract discrete third molars or teeth that become inflamed or diseased.


This article explores some frequently asked questions about molars:

Do I need to brush my wisdom teeth?


Why do my molars hurt when I chew?

Sharp gnashing discomfort in your molarul can be a sign of tooth decay or the early stages gum disease. A cracked tooth or an abscessed tooth (infection at the root). If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your dentist for a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations.

Is it normal for my wisdom teeth to come in crooked?


Molarul are therefore a great part of your teeth which is vital in breaking of food hence good digestion.