
Mastering Your Investments: A Guide to Master Equity Plans


The stock market offers a vast array of investment opportunities, but navigating it can be daunting. Master equity plans (MEPs) aim to simplify this process by offering a professionally managed portfolio focused on stock investments. This article delves into MEPS, explaining their core features, benefits, and considerations to help you decide if they align with your investment goals.

What is a Master Equity Plan (MEP)?

An MEP is a type of mutual fund scheme that primarily invests in equity shares (stocks) of companies. The fund manager, a financial professional with expertise in stock selection, actively manages the MEP’s portfolio, aiming to achieve capital appreciation for investors. In simpler terms, you pool your money with other investors, and the fund manager uses it to buy and sell stocks on your behalf.

Investment Objectives of MEPS

The primary objective of master equity plan is to generate capital appreciation for investors by investing in stocks with good growth potential. This means the fund manager seeks companies they believe will increase in value over time, leading to a rise in the MEP’s overall unit price.

Here’s a table summarizing the key aspects of MEPS:

Feature Description
Investment Objective Capital appreciation through equity investments
Management Actively managed by a fund manager
Asset Allocation Primarily invests in equity shares (typically above 80%)
Potential Returns Higher potential returns compared to fixed-income investments
Risk Level Higher risk compared to fixed-income investments


Benefits of Investing in MEPS

  • Professional Management: MEPs offer the expertise of a fund manager who continuously researches and analyzes the stock market to make informed investment decisions. This saves you the time and effort required for individual stockpicking.
  • Diversification: MEPS invests in a variety of companies across different sectors, spreading your risk and mitigating the impact of a single stock’s performance on your overall investment.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: MEPS typically have lower fees compared to directly investing in individual stocks, as you benefit from economies of scale.
  • Liquidity: MEPs generally offer high liquidity, allowing you to redeem your units (sell your investment) on or around business days.
  • Potential for Higher Returns: Compared to fixed-income investments, MEPS offer the potential for higher returns through capital appreciation.

Things to Consider Before Investing in MEPS

  • Investment Horizon: MEPS are suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon (typically 5 years or more). The stock market can be volatile in the short term, but long-term trends generally favor equity investments.
  • Risk Tolerance: MEPS carry inherent risk associated with the stock market. Stock prices can fluctuate, and there’s a possibility of losing some or all of your invested capital.
  • Investment Fees: While generally lower than individual stock investments, MEPS have fees associated with management and other expenses. Understand the expense ratio before investing.
  • Investment Goals: MEPS are ideal for wealth creation and long-term growth objectives. They may not be suitable for short-term investment needs or individuals seeking guaranteed returns.

FAQs on Master Equity Plans

What is the minimum investment amount in MEPS?

The minimum investment amount varies depending on the specific master equity plan you choose. Some MEPS allow you to start with as little as Rs. 500, while others may have higher minimums.

Can I invest in MEPS regularly?

Yes, many MEPS offer Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), allowing you to invest a fixed amount at regular intervals (e.g., monthly). This is a disciplined approach to investing and benefits from rupee-cost averaging.

How are returns generated in MEPS?

Returns in MEPS are primarily generated through capital appreciation, which occurs when the underlying stocks in the plan increase in value. Additionally, some MEPS may distribute dividends, which are a portion of the company’s profits paid out to shareholders.

How is MEPS different from index funds?

A fund manager actively manages MEPS, choosing stocks based on investigation and analysis. Index funds, on the other hand, passively track a particular market index, holding the same stocks in proportion to their weightage in the index.

How do I choose the right MEP?

Consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon when selecting an MEP. Research the fund’s past performance, investment strategy, and fees. It is also advisable to consult a financial advisor for personalized guidance.


Master equity plans offer a convenient and potentially rewarding way to invest in the stock market. By leveraging the expertise of a fund manager and the benefits of diversification, MEPS can be a valuable tool for growing your wealth over the long term.

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