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what do crickets eat
what do crickets eat

What Do Crickets Eat Crunchy Buffet: A Look at What These Chirping Insects Munch On


What do crickets eat are fascinating creatures. They chirp their nighttime songs, jump incredible distances for their size, and play a vital role in the environment. But have you ever stopped to wonder what these little insects actually eat? Crickets, believe it or not, are omnivores, meaning they enjoy a diet that includes both plants and animals.

This article dives into the delightful world of cricket cuisine, exploring the various things these crunchy critters like to munch on. We’ll delve into their natural habitat diet, what they eat when kept in captivity, and even answer some frequently asked questions about cricket feeding habits.

A Feast Fit for a Chirper: What Crickets Eat in the Wild

Crickets are opportunistic eaters, meaning they take advantage of whatever food sources are readily available in their environment. Their diet can vary depending on the season, location, and specific cricket species. However, some common staples on a cricket’s wild menu include:

  • Plant Matter: This forms the bulk of a cricket’s diet. They love to munch on:
    • Leaves: From fallen leaves on the forest floor to fresh foliage on plants, crickets find leaves to be a delicious and nutritious source of food.
    • Grasses: Lawns, meadows, and fields are a cricket’s personal salad bar. They readily consume various types of grasses.
    • Fruits and Vegetables: Crickets have a sweet tooth and enjoy fallen fruits and soft vegetables they find on the ground.
    • Flowers: The colorful petals and pollen of flowers provide a sweet and nutritious snack for crickets.
    • Seeds: Crickets are not picky eaters and will happily consume seeds they find on the ground.
  • Animal Matter: While plants are their primary food source, crickets won’t turn down a protein boost. They might consume:
    • Small Insects: Other insects, especially insect larvae, become a quick and convenient source of protein for crickets.
    • Dead Insects: Crickets are scavengers and will happily munch on deceased insects they come across.
    • Aphids: These tiny, sap-sucking insects are a favorite snack for some cricket species.

Fun Fact: Did you know that crickets can even digest things like fabric and paper in a pinch? While not ideal, they can survive on these materials if absolutely necessary.

From Field to Feeder: What to Feed Captive Crickets

If you’re raising crickets as pets or feeders for other animals, you’ll need to provide them with a balanced diet that mimics what they would eat in the wild. Here are some excellent options to keep your captive crickets happy and healthy:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Offer a variety of chopped fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, potatoes, leafy greens, and squash.
  • Commercial Cricket Food: Many pet stores sell cricket food specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs. These often contain a mix of grains, dried vegetables, and protein sources.
  • Flakes and Kibble: Fish flakes, crushed dry dog or cat food (in small quantities) can be offered as a protein supplement.

Here’s a handy table summarizing some great cricket food options:

Food Category Examples
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Apples, bananas, carrots, potatoes, leafy greens
Dry Food Cricket chow, wheat germ, rolled oats
Protein Sources Fish flakes, crushed dry dog/cat food (limited quantities)

Important Tip: Always remove uneaten fruits and vegetables after a day or two to prevent mold growth in your cricket enclosure.


Do crickets eat each other?

While cannibalism is not unheard of in the insect world, crickets generally avoid eating each other. However, overcrowding or lack of food sources can increase the chances of this happening.

Can crickets eat meat?

Yes, crickets are opportunistic feeders and will consume small insects, insect larvae, and even dead insects as a source of protein.

What should I avoid feeding my crickets?

Avoid feeding them citrus fruits, onions, and spicy foods, as these can be harmful.

How often should I feed my crickets?

Crickets need to be fed daily. Provide a constant supply of fresh food and remove any uneaten food after a day.

Do crickets need water?

Yes, crickets need access to fresh water at all times. You can provide them with a shallow water dish filled with a sponge or paper towel to prevent drowning.

By understanding what crickets eat, you can provide them with a healthy and balanced diet, whether they’re chirping companions or a nutritious meal for other pets. So, the next time you hear a cricket chirping, you can appreciate their role in the ecosystem


Crickets, with their enthusiastic chirps and impressive jumping skills, are fascinating little creatures. But beyond their entertaining antics lies a surprisingly diverse diet. From feasting on leaves and fruits to occasionally indulging in a protein-rich insect snack, crickets are resourceful omnivores who play a vital role in their environment. Understanding their eating habits allows us to provide proper care for captive crickets, whether they’re cherished pets or a nutritious food source for other animals. So next time you encounter a cricket, remember the complex world hidden behind their chirp – a world where adaptability and a taste for variety reign supreme.