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Tartan High School Ann Bacon
Tartan High School Ann Bacon

Tartan High School Ann Bacon: Teacher Relationship with Student


In February 2024, Tartan High School Ann Bacon, Minnesota, faced a serious incident involving a former special education teacher, Ann Margaret Bacon. This article details the allegations against Ms. Bacon and the school’s response.

What Happened?

According to a criminal complaint, Ms. Bacon, a 24-year-old teacher at the time, allegedly began a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old male student nearing graduation in 2023. The complaint states that Ms. Bacon initially denied the relationship but later admitted to engaging in sexual activity with the student on multiple occasions, including at hotels and her apartment.

What is a Special Education Teacher?

Special education teachers work with students who have learning disabilities or other special needs. They provide individualized instruction and support to help these students succeed in school.

What is a Prohibited Occupational Relationship?

In most states, including Minnesota, teachers are in a position of authority over their students. This means they have a legal and ethical responsibility to act in the student’s best interests. A prohibited occupational relationship occurs when a teacher engages in a romantic or sexual relationship with a student. These relationships are illegal because they exploit the power imbalance between teacher and student.

The Investigation and Charges

Following the allegations, Ms. Bacon resigned from her position at Tartan High School. An investigation was launched, and Ms. Bacon was subsequently charged with one count of felony third-degree criminal sexual conduct alleging a prohibited occupational relationship.

Impact on the School Community

The news of the alleged relationship sent shockwaves through the Tartan High School community. Parents and students expressed concern about the safety and well-being of students, and the school district faced criticism for its handling of the situation.

School District Response

Tartan High School Ann Bacon District released a statement expressing their disappointment and outrage over the alleged actions of Ms. Bacon. They assured the community that they take such allegations very seriously and have implemented procedures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

What is Third-Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct in Minnesota?

Third-degree criminal sexual conduct in Minnesota is a felony-level offense that occurs when someone has sexual contact with another person who is mentally incapable of consent or who is under a certain age (typically 16 or 18, depending on the circumstances). In this case, the student’s age (18) would typically make him capable of consent. However, because Ms. Bacon was in a position of authority, the law prohibits such relationships.

Possible Outcomes

The legal proceedings against Ms. Bacon are ongoing. If convicted, she could face significant jail time and would likely be permanently barred from teaching.

Preventing Similar Incidents

Schools have a responsibility to create a safe learning environment for all students. Here are some measures schools can take to prevent relationships between teachers and students:

  • Clear policies: Schools should have clear and comprehensive policies that prohibit romantic or sexual relationships between teachers and students. These policies should be communicated to all staff and students.
  • Training: Teachers should receive regular training on professional boundaries and the dangers of inappropriate relationships with students.
  • Reporting procedures: Schools should have clear procedures for reporting suspected misconduct by staff members. This should include a safe and confidential way for students to report concerns.


The allegations against Tartan High School Ann Bacon raise serious concerns about the power imbalance between teachers and students. This incident highlights the need for schools to prioritize student safety by implementing clear policies, regular training for staff, and accessible reporting procedures. By taking these steps, schools can create a learning environment where students feel safe and supported, and educators can fulfill their professional responsibilities without compromising student well-being.